Gojju Powder
Jeera (Cumin Seeds): 3 tsp
Methi (Fenugreek Seeds): 2 tsp
Dhaniya (Coriander Seeds): 3 tsp
Sesame Seeds: 4 tsp
Dry Red Chillies: 30
Tamarind: Lemon-sized
Jaggery: To taste
Dry Coconut: 1 cup
Dry roast jeera, methi, dhaniya, and dry red chillies together until aromatic. Let them cool.
Separately, dry roast sesame seeds and dry coconut until golden.
Grind the first set of roasted ingredients into a fine powder.
Grind the roasted sesame seeds and dry coconut separately to a powder.
Mix both powders together to form your Gojju powder.
Cranberry Gojju
Fresh Cranberries
Oil: For roasting
Gojju Powder (as prepared above)
Jaggery: To taste
For Seasoning:
Mustard Seeds
Curry Leaves
In a pan, heat a little oil. Add cranberries and roast them until they become soft.
Once the cranberries are cooked, add the prepared Gojju powder along with the sesame & dry coconut powder.
Add water and jaggery to the mixture as per your taste preference.
Bring the mixture to a boil and cook until the raw smell disappears.
For the seasoning, heat oil in a small pan. Add mustard seeds and curry leaves. Once they splutter, add this seasoning to the Gojju.
Stir well and serve the Cranberry Gojju hot or at room temperature.